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#WhatTheHellWednesday January 4, 2023

Whew... what a busy start to the New Year! Crazy work shit still with the 9to5. I managed to get a start on posting different cards each day - still working on the whole accountability thing. Also, dealing with the usual daily pain. Had some rainy days and cold... makes it more difficult to even get out of bed! I miss my BFF co-worker! She's been on vaca and it's been difficult for me to deal with the days with her not there. I miss her tremendously!

So much chaos... of course the Mercury Retrograde going on - but we will get through it. In the meantime, enjoy the pic dump... you can also catch more on my FB page and IG!

I love you all, Til later, and Blessed Be!

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I am not a social media fan... with that said, I do share and post A LOT! Just be aware that I am not all light & love; there is a dark side to life as well so be forewarned - there is going to be... foul language used. If you don't like it, please just scroll past; peanut gallery comments will be removed, you will be blocked. You have been warned!

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